Mr. + Mrs. Smith//Palmetto Terrace Wedding

Robin + Brittany Smith, also known as Ben + Brooke West, tied the knot on a beautiful but windy Georgia/South Carolina day.  I joke around about their names because I TOTALLY messed up and called Brittany the wrong name for about half of their engagement session and wouldn't have known unless Robin told me.  They were very gracious with my crazy name calling:)  So we joked around and called them Ben + Brooke for a little while.  Then their pastor misspoke during the ceremony and gave them their new last name, West, instead of Smith (which I would have done too if I was a minister!).  So maybe this beautiful couple has a future in being foreign spies or something.  Their alias is already made, so Mr. + Mrs. West are set for their undercover life!

I love seeing the special gifts that brides and grooms give to each other on their wedding day, and Brittany + Robin had an especially sweet one.  I don't think these gifts are special because of the dollar amount but by how much heart they put into the gift.  This book Robin is holding is one that they wrote notes to each other expressing their love and devotion.  Good idea, Robin.

Every wedding something specific stands out to me as especially beautiful... and this wedding had me in tears watching the Father/Daughter dance.  It was the most beautiful dance to watch because their special relationship was so evident.  Brittany's dad closed his eyes most of the dance, taking it all in and had the look of a proud and deeply blessed daddy.  Brittany held her dad's hand with so much love and trust and gratitude and both of them had teary eyes throughout the dance.  It was like no one else was in the room and it was their special moment as father and daughter.  I think this means so much to me because of my relationship with my dad and knowing how much love a parent has for their child in having my own children.  God willing I look forward to having a special dance like this with my boys... but for now we just need to make it to kindergarten:)

You guys are such a kind and loving couple- I can't wait to see how God blesses you guys in the future! Thanks for creating a beautiful wedding day for me to photograph!